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Previous Research Stories

Since 2011 we have funded over £1,097,000 in clinical research projects.​ Below you can find more information regarding this innovative research and the ground-breaking outcomes we have achieved.


Previous Research

Lab Work
Yorkshire's First Brain Tumour Lab....

In January 2011 we, along with Candlelighters, funded Yorkshire's first brain tumour research lab at Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine (LIMM).

World-class scientists are now working daily in this lab to progress clinical findings, with the ultimate aim of improving health outcomes for brain tumour patients.

Associate Professorship

We part-funded (25%) the Associate Professorship of Ryan Mathew at the University of Leeds. Ryan is also Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon at Leeds General Infirmary. This funding was for a period of four years from 2019 - 2023.

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Ian Meek PhD Studentship

Official Title: Ian Meek PhD Studentship
Elucidating the high-grade transformation of low-grade brain tumours

Lead Researcher: Dr Heiko Wurdak
Where: Leeds, West Yorkshire
When: 2014-2018
Cost: £120,000
Research Type: Adult, Glioblastoma

Ian Meek died aged 42 from a brain tumour. In the last three years of his life when he was most affected by the disease, he raised £120,000 to fund the Ian Meek PhD Studentship at the University of Leeds.

Red Pills
Identification of new drug targets to improve the treatment of high-grade brain tumours

Official Title: Identification of new drug targets to improve the treatment of high-grade brain tumours

Lead Researcher: Dr Spencer Collis
Non-Clinical PhD Student: Natasha Carmell
Where: University of Sheffield
When: 2015-2018
Cost: £19,700
Research Type: Adult, High-Grade

Image by National Cancer Institute
Development of clinically relevant brain tumour models to identify new treatment regimes

Official Title: Development of clinically relevant brain tumour models to identify new treatment regimes

Lead Researcher: Dr Spencer Collis
Clinical PhD Student: Ola Rominiyi
Where: University of Sheffield
When: 2016 - 2019
Cost: £18,975
Research Type: Adult, High-Grade, Glioblastoma

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Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity
31 Otley Road, 

Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity, Registered Charity Address 31 Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3AA.
© Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity. Registered Charity No. 1095931

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